从日内瓦机场,很多人前往各个公园在城市使用租车服务。有超过 20 个神奇的地方在夏天在这个欧洲的城市公园。
另一个旅游胜地是射流喷泉喷泉高 140 米,世界上公认为世界上最高的喷泉。有美丽的街市和咖啡馆附近两边日内瓦湖和其银行的流动。湖本身是游客喜欢在湖上的水上运动和日光浴在贝恩 des Paquis 上有着巨大的吸引力。
许多游客到瑞士知道瑞士以其精湛的时间片断著称。瑞士钟表好致敬是著名的花钟 6500 花所组成。通过日内瓦机场前往瑞士的夫妇会喜欢参观卢梭岛使用可靠租车服务。
苏黎世 is a city known for its banking and finance options, but tourists still visit Switzerland via Geneva 机场 to enjoy some of the tourist attractions found here. Using rent - a - car services visitors to 苏黎世 enjoy many of the art galleries found here. Others enjoy spending time having fun on Lake 苏黎世, visiting the Rhine Waterfalls and shopping at the Bahnhofstrasse. At night, tourists visit the 苏黎世 West side to have some exciting nightlife.
Many visitors to Switzerland arrive at Geneva 机场 and head straight to the North shore of Lake Geneva to 洛桑. A great places to visit in this city is the Palais de Rumine where there are five museums to enjoy. Tourists that like fresh art can see the Collection de l'Art Brut, which is an unconventional art collection. Other attractions are the Cantonal Botanical Gardens and Museum as well as the Olympic Museum.
瑞士有其他令人惊叹的城市,游客可以享受使用租车服务。当你通过日内瓦机场到达这个国家时,你会注意到,这是一个多语言的国家。在这里使用的语种是瑞士、 法国、 德国和拉丁罗曼语。然而,英语是好口语理解这里因此游客不必担心语言障碍。